One of the biggest financial decisions you will make is whether or not to contribute to a 401k. This decision is not always easy, as there are many pros and cons. One thing that people often don't think about is what happens if they over-contribute their 401k. This blog post will discuss what happens when you over-contribute your 401k.

What Is The 401k Contribution Limit?
The IRS sets a maximum contribution limit for 401k plans. This limit is currently $22,500 per year and can be adjusted annually. If you reach this limit, any additional contributions will be considered over-contributions.
What Happens If You Over-contribute To Your 401k?
If you exceed the 401k contribution limit, the excess contributions and related earnings will be subject to IRS penalties. Any money over the limit will be taxed at your regular income rate plus an additional 6% penalty tax return. Additionally, if the excess contributions are not corrected by April 15th of the following year, you may face other taxes and a 10% early withdrawal penalty.
What Are The Cons Of Over-contributing To Your 401k?
Despite the potential benefits of over-contributing to your 401k, there are several drawbacks. First, if you make too much money in a given year, then it is possible that exceeding the contribution limit could cause you to be pushed into a higher tax bracket. Additionally, if you withdraw funds from your 401k before the age of 59 ½, then hefty taxes and penalties may be associated with doing so. Finally, if you change jobs or experience other life changes, it can make it difficult to access the money in your 401k since many employers require you to leave it in the plan. Excess deferral contributions are not eligible for rollovers.
How Can You Avoid Over Contributing To Your 401k?
Making over-contributions to your 401k can leave you with an unpleasant surprise at tax time. To avoid putting yourself in this situation, it is essential to keep track of how much you contribute each month and ensure that the amount does not exceed the legal limit set by the IRS. One strategy for avoiding over-contribution is to look at your paycheck before it’s deposited into your account and make sure that no money taken out for retirement is more than allowed by law.

Additionally, if you vary your contributions from one pay period to another, ensure you understand any associated tax implications. Different limits may apply when donations are made sporadically throughout the year. Finally, setting budget tools or other automatic reminders will help ensure that the amount you deposit into your 401k complies with IRS regulations and won’t cause any problems. Over-contributed money must be withdrawn and returned to the taxpayer’s account before April 15th of the following year.
What Should You Do If You Have Already Over-contributed To Your 401k?
Over-contributing your 401k is never ideal because it can create several problems for your future. Fortunately, if you have already over-contributed, there are steps you can take to rectify the situation. The most important thing is to immediately contact your plan administrator and ask how they recommend removing the excess contributions. They will likely suggest a corrective withdrawal, in which you take out the extra funds plus any applicable taxes and fees associated with the leaves. If withdrawing the money isn't an option, another potential solution could be rolling them into an IRA or other retirement account. No matter what you decide, your contributions must match Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidelines moving forward to ensure proper financial planning and growth for years to come.
How Can You Fix An Over-contribution Error?
Protecting yourself from over-contribution errors is essential when making investments. If you have made an error in your contribution, don't panic - there are measures you can take to rectify it. In most cases, contacting your financial advisor or brokerage firm is best to revise any overfunded tax-advantaged accounts like IRAs or 401ks. Your financial advisor will work with you to determine the best approach for repayment and ensure that your contributions are within the annual limits.
After dealing with the initial correction steps, additional taxes may still be incurred if the amount exceeds legal thresholds. To avoid such troubles in the future, always follow IRS guidelines and familiarize yourself with current regulations related to contributions. It's also important to check all documents before submitting them for accuracy before executing a transaction. Doing these things will help ensure your finances remain secure and balanced. The plan administrator for your 401(K) plan may also be able to help you handle over-contribution errors.
Can You Still Contribute To A Roth IRA If You've Over-contributed Your 401k?
Yes, you can still contribute to a Roth IRA if you have over-contributed to your 401k. However, the annual contribution limit for a Roth IRA in 2023 is $6,500. So it is essential to be aware of this when contributing to each retirement account. Furthermore, remember that Roth IRA contributions may be subject to income limits depending on your filing status and modified adjusted gross income (MAGI).
No one knows your financial goals better than you do. Take time to evaluate your options and decide what works best for you! If you’re ever uncertain about managing your retirement account savings, consult a qualified financial advisor to discuss your plan. With the right strategy in place, you can stay on track while ensuring that your money is working hard for you and helping you reach your retirement goals.
Bottom Line
By staying informed and following IRS guidelines, you can ensure that your 401k contributions are within regulatory limits. With the right financial plan in place, you can enjoy the benefits of saving for retirement without worrying about unexpected roadblocks. If you would like to learn more about over-contributions to your 401k, contact us here at Bolder and talk to one of our Money Coaches. We’re happy to point you in the right direction for saving for your retirement goals.